Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life Lessons Part One

   So the past few days have been absolutely horrible.  That being said, I have learned a lot of life lessons...painful ones to be quite honest.  Why is it that it often takes something bad or tragic to teach us such lessons?  The events of the past few days, yesterday in particular, have made me do a lot of thinking and soul searching.  I have come to the conclusion that there are changes that need to occur in my life right now.  
   Some of the changes are minor, while others are not.  Some will hurt, and others will not.  All of these changes will be for the better though.  I recognize now that there are certain things about myself that I am not happy with.  For example:  The way I deal with stress.  I go about that completely wrong.  While I am comfortable in my own skin, I am not a talker. (Insert sarcastic comment here...I talk, ALOT...just not about things that cause stress in my life.)  I have this bad tendency to hold it all in.  Eventually I reach my breaking point, as we all do.  However, when I get to that point, things tend to get bad.  Self- destructive if you will.  That stops NOW.  Never again.  Why?  Because it almost cost me one of the friendships I hold dearest to my heart. 
   Another change that needs to happen?  The restoration of friendships that have gone wayward.  This bothers me.  I mean, I should really get the Friend of The Year award.  I have neglected friends and family recently, and there is really no excuse for that.  I have always tried to surround myself with people I love and who love me.  But there are a couple right now who just bring me down.  That stops too.  Cutting ties.  I am going to start loving the friends that I have been so wrong for neglecting.
   I have simply not been myself lately and I hate who I have become.  I have always been a pretty simple person.  But it seems that my life has gotten a little complicated lately.  Thus leaving me feeling a complicated simpleness...I am ready to get back to just being simple.  I am ready to get back to me.  So, here goes nothing...:)

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